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[Closed] Scripts in user macroscripts

When I hit edit macroscript in the UI or sometimes when a script crashes it gets copied to the user macroscript directory. I find this to be extremely annoying, does anyone know of a way to get max not to do that?

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It has to be done because Vista does not allow the changing of ANY files within the Program Files directory. I guess you could define your usermacros folder to coincide with your factory macroscripts folder (as long as you are running WinXP), but I have not tried it and I am not sure how the system would react.

In general, all user scripts should go into the usermacros folder, and any factory macros shipping with Max that have been copied to usermacros have a higher priority over the macroscripts folder, thus allowing you to edit the shipping scripts without colliding with the Vista restrictions.

Thanks for clarifying that Bobo!