[Closed] Scripting Wirecolor Re-assignment
I want to make a script (but I’m lousy at maxscript) that allows the user to select objects by wire color and re-assign the objects to a new color.
Several people in my office use a green color for their selected objects, and others use white. The folks who use green typically use white for their default object wire color, and so when someone who uses white for their selection color imports a scene, it’s hard to tell what you have selected. Changing all the wire colors works, but sometimes you need some of the different wire colors already in the scene.
Can someone help me with how to make a script that does this? It doesn’t sound too complicated since there’s not much that the script needs to do, I just don’t know how to do it.
Maybe you already do this, and need more… but you can already select by object color, using the little button in the bottom right of the Object Color Dialog. When you’ve approved the selection, you’re returned to the dialog, and can reassign the color of those objects.
okay first off; thank you… oh, and also; I feel dumb because I never bothered to find out what that little button did, and it works for what I need most of the time.
Second thing though, for colors that are custom (not in my list) I can’t use it to select by color. Since some of the folks at my office have some different colors set up that they use, I wouldn’t be able to use that feature without a way to find the specific RGB for it first and then to add it to my list of custom colors.
Is there another way to do that as well, or would I need a script to do that?
Didn’t realise this myself, until I looked it up, but it’s: Main Menu>Edit>Select By>Color, (to which you can assign a shortcut) :).
excellent… that’s just what I needed… didn’t know it was there.
It seems like I learn something new about Max everyday and I’ve been doing this for several years now. I’m not sure if that’s a kudos to Max or a slam on me though :curious: