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[Closed] Scripted look at any viewport… help/hint
Sep 09, 2010 4:11 am
I’ve rewritten a script by Dave Stewart . I wanted to see if I could write a script controller that looks at any current view instead of being linked to a specific camera. This way we could apply it to assets and just have them work when inserted.
It’s easy enough to get the controller assigned with a script that works. But what I attempted to add was a callback that updates the script/rotation on any viewport change.
There must be an elegant way to do this rather than rotating the objects on viewportChanged.
rollout ro_ScriptedLookAt "ScriptedLookAt" width:162 height:311
-- local declarations
local thisObj, objArray, str
-- Interface
Group "Assign Look-At Controller"
button btnAssign "Assign to Sel" width:144 height:16 tooltip:"Assign scripted rotation controller (on chosen axis) to selection"
Group "Delete Controller(s)"
button btnDelete "Delete from Sel." width:88 height:16 across:2 align:#right offset:[10,0] tooltip:"Delete scripted rotation controller (from chosen axis) to selection"
checkButton chkReset "Reset to 0" align:#left width:62 height:16 offset:[10,0] checked:true tooltip:"Uncheck this to leave objects looking in the same direction after deleting controller"
-- Functions
fn makeScript thisObj=
str= "c = (inverse(viewport.gettm())).row4
thisObj=$" + + "
p = thisObj.pos
x=p.x - c.x
y=p.y - c.y
if x < 0 then degToRad(a+90)
else degToRad(a-90)"
fn assignControllers objArray=
undo "Assign Scripted LookAt" on
for thisObj in objArray do
thisObj.rotation.controller = Euler_XYZ()
thisObj.rotation.controller[3].controller = float_script()
thisObj.rotation.controller[3].controller.script = (makeScript thisObj)
fn deleteControllers objArray=
undo "Delete Scripted LookAt" on
for thisObj in objArray do
if thisObj != undefined then
try (
thisObj.rotation.controller[3].controller = Bezier_Float()
setUserProp thisObj "hasLookAtController" false
if chkReset.checked then
thisObj.rotation.controller[3].controller.value = 0
catch(print thisObj)
-- Handlers
on btnAssign pressed do
if (selection.count > 0) then
for i in selection do
assignControllers i
setUserProp i "hasLookAtController" true
objArray = (selectByName title:"Select objects to assign Scripted Lookat Controller to:")
if objArray != undefined then assignControllers objArray
setUserProp i "hasLookAtController" true
objArray = #()
on btnDelete pressed do
if (selection.count > 0) then
deleteControllers selection
objArray = (selectByName title:"Select objects to delete Scripted Lookat Controller from:")
if objArray != undefined then
deleteControllers objArray
objArray = #()
try destroydialog ro_ScriptedLookAt catch()
createdialog ro_ScriptedLookAt width:188 Height:100 pos:[0,370]
--call back
fn updateLookAtRotations =
( undo off
for o in objects where (getUserProp o "hasLookAtController") != undefined and (getUserProp o "hasLookAtController") do
rotate o (eulerangles 0 0 1)
undo on
callbacks.removeScripts id:#JonahVP
callbacks.addScript #viewportChange "updateLookAtRotations()" id:#JonahVP
2 Replies
Sep 09, 2010 4:11 am
Denis, Denis, Denis,
Simultaneously school me on scripting and scold me for not searching.
Thanks Dude.