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[Closed] Scripted Plugin Access
Feb 01, 2013 9:04 pm
So I’m trying to create scripted plugin image plane…
It’s being linked to a camera node and i would like it to automatically move to the cameras postion…
But “this” doesn’t expose the controller…
Is there a way to access the nodes transform controller?
parameters main rollout:params
cameraLink type:#node animatable:false ui:linkCamera_btn
on linkCamera_btn picked arg do
if (isvalidnode cameraLink) and (superclassof cameraLink==camera) then
this.plane.parent = cameraLink
this.transform = cameraLink.transform
4 Replies
Feb 01, 2013 9:04 pm
Thanks for your help, I actually got it working using this:
local thisPlane=(custAttributes.getOwner this)
local thisNode=(refs.dependentnodes thisPlane firstonly:on)
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