[Closed] Scripted Plugin – Runtime Error by accessing parameters
Hi everyone,
i am a bit confused and would appreciate any help.
I’m into scripting a scripted plugin like the standard “ExposeTM” Node.
Currently for testing purposes i want to get the position of any object i picked through a pickbutton updated to a label.
For that i use a parameter to save the picked node and a second parameter to save the current position of this node.
Every parameter belongs to a custom attribute which are referenced to a rollout.
Here is my code so far:
plugin helper JS_ValueExpose
classID:#(0x7d7f057e, 0x6770bf04)
–Start Plugin
on create do
print “Start Creating Attributes”
local attr = attributes ExposedValues
parameters exposeParams rollout:params
exposeObject_param type:#node ui:pickObjButton
beforePosition_param type:#Point3 ui:beforePosition default:[0,0,0]
on beforePosition_param set val do
beforePosition_param = val
rollout params "Test Attribute Rollout"
pickbutton pickObjButton "Pick Node"
label beforePosition "Position"
button dummybutton "LOL"
fn tcb2 =
if exposeObject_param != undefined do beforePosition_param = exposeObject_param.pos
return (beforePosition.text = beforePosition_param as string)
on pickObjButton picked obj do
exposeObject_param = obj
pickObjButton.text = obj.name
beforePosition_param = exposeObject_param.pos
beforePosition.text = beforePosition_param as string
if exposeObject_param != undefined do
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#my_callback
when parameters exposeObject_param changes id:#my_callback do tcb2()
registerTimeCallback tcb2
on dummybutton pressed do
print this.beforePosition_param
on params open do
print "Open params Rollout"
if exposeObject_param != undefined do pickObjButton.text = exposeObject_param.name as string
beforePosition.text = beforePosition_param as string
on params close do
-- unregisterTimeCallback tcb2
print "Finished Rollout"
custAttributes.add this attr
--End Plugin
My issue with that is:
I use fn tcb2() for updating the position label. tcb2() is used in a when structure which works fine.
The same tcb2() function is also registered to a registerTimeCallback, but when i scroll through the timeline i receive following runtime error:
Why can i access my parameters through the when structure but not through registerTimeCallback?
Anyone got an idea?
Why you used custom attribute inside plugin? It can be done like this:
plugin helper Exposer
classID:#(0x7d7f057e, 0x6770bf05)
fn UpdateUI =
this.MainRoll.U_Position.text = if isvalidnode (PickedNode = this.P_PickedNode) then PickedNode.pos as string else ""
fn AddCallbacks Obj =
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#Exposer_Callbacks
unregisterTimeCallback UpdateUI
if isvalidnode Obj do
when parameters Obj changes id:#Exposer_Callbacks do UpdateUI()
registerTimeCallback UpdateUI
parameters MainParam rollout:MainRoll
P_PickedNode type:#node ui:U_PickedNode
on P_PickedNode set obj do
AddCallbacks obj
on MainParam open do
rollout MainRoll "Main"
pickbutton U_PickedNode "Pick Node"
label U_Position ""
delete objects
Target = sphere radius:10 pos:[20,0,0]
TestExposer = Exposer isselected:true