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[Closed] Scripted Material – callback on render?
Sep 19, 2012 3:26 am
I’m trying to make a material that switches (between 2 options) based on a user-entered userproperty expression.
My current hurdle is getting a reference to the node the material is attached to (yes, a material is applied to multiple nodes). How do I get a callback when it’s evaluated for a particular node?
Heres the script so far (started with the LPM Render Switcher plugin/script):
struct exprEvalResult
validSyntax = false,
nodeFound = false,
message = "",
switch = false
plugin material userPropSwitcher
name: "CKD Switcher"
category: "CKD"
classID: #(0x626d61f2, 0x4ccb7d32)
extends: Shellac
replaceUI: true
version: 1
fn expValid str =
return exprEvalResult validSyntax:true nodeFound:true switch:true
parameters main rollout:params
expressionStr type:#string ui:expUI
matA type:#material ui:matAUI
matB type:#material ui:matBUI
on matA set value do if(switch == 0) then delegate.shellacMtl1 = value
on matB set value do if(switch == 1) then delegate.shellacMtl1 = value
on expressionStr set value do
result = expValid(value as string)
if(result.validSyntax and result.nodeFound) then
if(result.switch == false) then
delegate.shellacMtl1 = matA
else if(result.switch == true) then
delegate.shellacMtl1 = matB
rollout params "CKD Switcher"
label expLabel "Expression" pos:[6,8] width:50 height:13
editText expUI "" pos:[70,4] width:200 height:21
label matALabel "Base Mtl" pos:[5,29] width:50 height:13
materialButton matAUI "" pos:[70,26] width:200 height:21
label matBLabel "Switch Mtl" pos:[6,51] width:50 height:13
materialButton matBUI "" pos:[70,48] width:200 height:21
on create do
matA = standard()
currentMtl = meditMaterials[activeMeditSlot]
keepOldMtl = false
if(MatEditor.isOpen() and (superclassof currentMtl) == material) then
keepOldMtl = queryBox "Keep Old Material?"
if keepOldMtl then matA = currentMtl
delegate.shellacMtl1 = matA
delegate.shellacMtl2 = matB