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[Closed] Scripted Custom Attributes
Oct 19, 2003 8:29 am
–Start script
myAttrib = attributes myFirstScriptedAtrib
parameters params rollout:myRollout
parmValue type:#float ui:(mySpinner,mySlider)
rollout myRollout “This is a Rollout”
spinner mySpinner “”
slider mySlider “My Control”
custAttributes.add $ myAttrib
–End script
I have problem with this code, when I run it I get rollout in
Object base level, how to add it to Attribute Holder?
1 Reply
Oct 19, 2003 8:29 am
custAttributes.add $ myAttrib
–End script
There’s your problem. Try adding the CA to the modifier instead of the object itself:
custAttributes.add $.modifiers[#‘Attribute Holder’] myAttrib