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[Closed] Script to select all objects with same name as current selection

Hi Guys,

Im a total n00b at MaxScript and have hit a wall.

I select an object then when I click my button I want it to select all objects that have the same name as that object.

I attempted it with:

sname = $.name
for i in $.(sname) do selectmore i

as this works to select all objects with ‘tree’ in the name:

for i in $tree do selectmore i

however I can’t get it to work,

any ideas?



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You can’t use a variable in a name path, I’m afraid.
If your object is “Teapot” and you’re looking for objects such as “Hello.Teapot”, “World.Teapot” (i.e. ending in “.Teapot”), you’d have to use something like:

sname = $.name
nodes = for o in objects where (matchPattern pattern:("*." + sname)) collect ( o )
selectMore nodes

( if sname doesn’t contain periods, there’s a few other methods you can use, but the above is pretty flexible ).


Note that the above should be “ == Name_Var” (comparison, instead of variable value assignment)

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Not directly but you could build a namepath string and execute it.

on button pressed do
  if selection[1] != undefined then
	select (execute ("$*"+selection[1].name+"*"))

Which off course only makes sense if the name can be found in other object completely… which won’t be the case often, me thinks…


If they have the exact same name that should work:

on Button pressed do
if selection.count == 1 do
Name_Var = $.name
for o in objects where = Name_Var do selectmore o

The problem with that approach is when your objects have a period in their name. E.g.

 -- This works
 a = sphere name:"Foot_L"
 b = sphere name:"OtherDude.Foot_L"
 select (execute ("$*""*"))
 $Sphere:Foot_L @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
 $Sphere:OtherDude.Foot_L @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
 -- This goes boink.
 a = sphere name:"Foot.L"
 b = sphere name:"OtherDude.Foot.L"
 select (execute ("$*""*"))
 $Sphere:Foot.L @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
 $Sphere:OtherDude.Foot.L @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
 -- Error occurred during fileIn in StringStream:"$*Foot.L*"
 -- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: none; position: 0
 --  Frame:
 -- Syntax error: at end, expected <factor>
 --  In line: 

At one point I tried a workaround and it told me there’s no such property ‘L’ in “$*Foot//etc.”. Might’ve missed some magic there, not sure.
Edit: like escaping the period character. Though at that point you might as well matchpattern >_<

ideally, getNodeByName would take wildcard characters – but alas %)

i don’t know the exact notation but with special character you should use ‘’

$‘bla.kjasd 3’
as far as i remember

Insanto is correct, anything that has anything but alphanumeric characters should be wrapped in ’ ‘. Richard if you modify your second script to:

a = sphere name:“Foot.L”
b = sphere name:“OtherDude.Foot.L”
select (execute (“$“”“))
It won’t error any more.


Oh yeah, that’s right!

well… screw the matchpattern, then – just go with dollarasteriskquotedoublequoteplus

… but what happens if it contains a quote?

I always use: ” which is the literal for “.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

as in the following…?

select (execute ("$*\"""\"*"))


EDIT: Wait… no.

EDIT: Wait… Wait… Yes.

Yes, if you wanted to search for “$“‘Foot.L’”” (NOTE: you would still need the ‘, because of the non-alphanumeric characters), instead of “$‘Foot.L’”.


Oh I thought the literal escape would force it.

What about


EDIT: Haha nope that doesn’t format right at all. I see what the problem is now. ’ it is.

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