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[Closed] Script – Batch Camera Render

how does this differ from vray batch pro, other than the fact that it’s not exclusive to vray – I’m just trying to figure out what the best solution is for batch rendering

I didn’t use vray batch pro, to be honest. There’s too much parameter in UI and it’s frighten me.

My script stores all rendering parameter directly in camera object. Main advantage (and the reason why I started to write it) over max’s standard batch render is that you can change paths and file names of several cameras at one step – just select cameras in list and set new file name (and type) or new path. Additionally you can assign lighting state to each camera – you can easily specify which light should be switched on or off for particular rendering, and this information also saved in camera objects. This is why I didn’t extend max’s standard batch render – I had to store additional information somewhere.

In current version script supports batch netrender submitting, so you can select all your cameras in list and hit one button to submit all cameras to network rendering. Unique job names assigned automatically. This occurs not as elegant as in max’s standard batch render, but it works silently and doesn’t requires user attention.

In upcoming version I’m planning to implement file name template system with which you can insert camera names, scene state or project name in file name by keywords. It is very useful and already implemented in development version.

Plus it is free, open source, and it is in constant development.

here’s latest release version… –

…and development version –

New version is out!

Main improvement is File Name Template system. Plus some less big but interesting features.

here’s latest release version… –…CameraRender17/

First of all, I want to say this script is awesome.

Second, I’m wondering if it’s possible to implement a Render Type (crop, region, view, etc…) feature into a batch renderer?

I have a setup where each camera crops a different part of the screen, but right now I’m having to render manually, since it doesn’t seem to be a way to specify this in a batch renderer.

Am I missing something (as in the feature exists and I’m missing it), or, if not, is this even possible?


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It is possible to add such feature, I’ll add your request to my todo list.
Thank you.

Thank you. That would be awesome.

Keep up the great work.

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