[Closed] Script :: Nuts & Bolts v0.1
I’ve started scripting again after a long gap. Here is one I made to refresh myself – Nuts & Bolts
It creates detailed models of nuts and bolts for engineering drawing purposes (or any other purpose). It even creates a text marking on the head of the bolt. There are many parameters which you can change to create a variety of nuts & bolts.
Tested with Max9.
Nice script!
I took a look at the code and saw you were using lots of globals. Other scripts that are running can overwrite those globals and then your script doesn’t work anymore, so it’s best not to declare lots of globals. I modified your script, changing the globals to locals and also wrapped the code up in (). Here ya go:
( --start script
local headht = undefined
local headdia = undefined
local boltht = undefined
local boltdia = undefined
local thrdht = undefined
local thrddep = undefined
local thrdden = undefined
local nutht = undefined
local nutdia1 = undefined
local nutdia2 = undefined
local mtext = undefined
local alltext = undefined
local nutthrddep = undefined
local nutthrdden = undefined
...rest of script code
CreateDialog NABRollout
) --close script
I’ve started scripting again after a long gap. Here is one I made to refresh myself – Nuts & Bolts
It creates detailed models of nuts and bolts for engineering drawing purposes (or any other purpose). It even creates a text marking on the head of the bolt. There are many parameters which you can change to create a variety of nuts & bolts.
Tested with Max9.
cool thanks for sharing.