One feature request: when I try to connect a node to something every material in the view “shows off”, which at times gets things pretty clutered. I think it would be nicer if only the material you are hovering over while dragging the link displays it’s slots.”
You get exactly this when you uncheck “Show available sockets when connecting” from settings.
Well the delay could be rather difficult to implement, but I’ll see if its possible.
A bug to report: sometimes when I click the top spinner for float values, it just continues going on and on. I’m not pressing it in any particular way, just the way I always do. But sometimes it does this weird thing…
Yeah its REALLY annoying but I hadn’t found out how to fix it until now. Basicly it happens every time you select node and then click on one of the spinners. However, if I use setFocus spinnerFloat then it doesn’t happen. Anyway it’ll be fixed in the next version.
Ok, and another one: if I press Del to delete a connection and it deletes it, pressing Del again immediately after gives a maxscript error…
Fixed in next version.
Thx for the bugs reports Rockin!
I totally forgot about those settings. Since I’ve set my materials to be doubleclicked, the need for the 400 ms is gone.
Is there anyway to change the color of the titlebars? I’ve changed the sme colors to better fit my dark ui, but now, because the titlebars appear with an inverse color, they make the text unreadable…
and a bug:
If the Lock button is activated, weird things happen when you try to connect nodes and you have a node selected (children of the selected node move also with your mouse)
cheers & I hope my comments are useful, it’s the least I can do:)
Yeah actually there lots of unexpected bugs with the new Lock feature, however they are all fixed in next version.
Atm Helium doesn’t give any controll over titlebar colors so I’m afraid I can’t do anything to them.
Currently I’m trying to implement the material definition files, however there are some problems with max standard materials. Many of them use different shading modes like Phong or Blinn and these different modes have different properties. Basicly they are totally different materials. This makes making definition files for them quite difficult.
Most 3rd party shaders also have different shading modes but they simply hide the properties they aint using, they are still there and you can access them through maxscript so it doesn’t cause any problems.
Hi the titlebar color inverting was a bug in helium 1.08.
I fixed it in 1.09 on the website now.
Were do you plan to use ‘setFocus spinnerFloat’.
Right after you click on a node?
Because that would prevent you from pressing ‘delete’ to remove a node.
It not only happens when you click on a node, it also happens if you click on a node, then pan the viewport and then click on the spinner.
I have seen this problem before and have not really found a solution.
I looked and looked in Helium and I cannot find anything I would do to cause this.
I’m now thinking it may be a bug in the spinner.
I don’t think it properly grab mouse-message-control or whatever it requires.
If you find a work-around for the spinner issue, let me know.
Yeah I hadn’t thought of that. Well instead of using del button you could use rcmenu to delete nodes. How hard would it be to test if mouse is over SME or not and make an event when change occurs? This way you could set focus on something else than SME when you move mouse out. mouseMoved event can’t really be used here.
One way would be setting up timer which would check every 10ms where mouse is but I think it would be rather bad for performance.
- Jerry
There is the mouseMove event in helium.
So when the mouse is moved, use:
Compare that to something like
getDialogPos <rollout>
You may have to compensate the dialogPos with extra pixel if you have a menu bar etc (which you do in SME).
But that only works if your mouse is over helium view. Its not called when mouse is not over helium so I can’t use it in this case.
- Jerry
Hi all,
Sorry to drop in but, may a MouseEnter, MouseLeave event would do the trick, most controls and windows have this events or can capture them.
Best regards,
Maxscript however doesn’t support such events for UI elements. If I would use dotnet controlls then it would certainly work. Its not possible to mix dotnet controlls with maxscript ones as far as I know.
So these events would have to be implemented in helium in order to me to use them.
- Jerry
It’s possible to mix MAXScripts controls and .Net controls using dotNetControl instruction in a rollout definition.