Wow very interesting job…
I need to test it…
Great job dude…
Best Regards…
– SME Beta Version 0.1.5b –
Release info:
- Backwiring with original value
- Improved look with new Helium 1.06 features
- Focused node is always drawn on top of others
- All 3ds max controllers supported inside SME
To-do list:
- Support selection of multiple nodes (atm you can only select one)
- Store SME with max scene (OPTIONAL) (NOTE: could this be as simple as storing smeOps which contains all SME information to custom atribute of rootNode like with controllers?)
- Support for multiple SME views, for different materials etc
- SME data is shouldn't be cleared each time SME opens
- When doing something to node take account the possibitily of changed material/maps
- (or average = desaturated) to float node (scale 0.0 - 1.0, so its easy scale to it with math node to whateverer desided)
- Consider possibility of making custom (script controllers) nodes with some sort of editor
- Double click on wire to delete
- Shift+Drag to copy node
- Option to make all nodes children move when node is moved
- When draging wire, node under mouse should always be drawn on top
- MAP and MATERIAL buttons to top toolbar for drag'n'drop support (perhaps slightly clumsy but it should work)
- Add Delete to right-click menu (since its not possible to delete nodes when "Auto assign to Material Editor" toggle is on)
Under testing:
- Ability to open trackview from SME and edit controllers this way (doesn't look like its gonna work very well, only works for materials in MEDIT)
Sorry for so long wait. I've been busy writing forums for university project but now that they are done I'm gonna make SME updates more frequent. So next update will probably come out next week. I'll focus on the last 6 things mentioned on to-do list to improve SME usability.
This and future versions need new Helium version (Thx kees!). You can download it from here: (On the bottom “Download freeware here”)
- Jerry
Good to hear from you again:)
I have a bug to report: I can’t use the “Color with channels” with the A&D material (works fine with standard) – it gives me a maxscript error.
The to-do list sounds awesome
Yeah there are some problems with RGB><RGBA conversion checks. I’ll fix it for next version. This bug should only occur with A&D mat since its the only one I know of that uses RGBA controllers instead of RGB. Thx for reporting it, I had totally missed it when redoing controller system
awesome! Glad to see you back!
btw is there any difference in the interface and so? it looks like before to me…? i installed the las helium from the lumonix site and the new version of the SME, but it looks like before? just curious here
great job
You should see titlebars for each node and subtle shadows around each node.
Also when you hover over a node that is below another, it should pop to the front.
And you should get white text on dark colored nodes.
(Not sure if SME uses dark enough colors to see this)
yeah, you can see this in the “Color with channels” node:P
About the titlebars… do they offer extra functionality/what is their purpose?
Also, whenever I create say a “Color” node, they disappear completly !?(it looks like it used to look with the old helium). If I want them to reappear all I have to do is create a new material
– SME Beta Version 0.1.6 –
Release info:
- Fixed bug with RGB><RGBA controller conversions, this fixes all problems with A&D material
- Fixed bug with backwiring floats/colors
- Shift+Drag to create new node of same type
- Its now possible to select multiple nodes (region select is also available)
- Delete added to right-click menu
- Update, Delete and Discard (RCMenu) now also affect selected nodes (so nodes affected are selection + node clicked)
- Option to make all nodes children move when node is moved (the new “Lock” button)
- Node under mouse is always drawn on top of others (Previously there were cases where this worked incorrectly or not at all)
Hey kees, yeah you can see the text color change with color nodes which take their color from controller they represent. Actually I just noticed this new feature myself. Nice addition kees
Rockin, yeah there was a slight bug in 1.5 which made them disapear when you created a new color/float node. However it was fixed in 1.5b update, unfortunately you downloaded 1.5 just before I had updated it. Anyways, now 1.6 is also out which fixes all bugs I know of. Titlebars don’t really add any functions, they just look nice.
The important update on Helium 1.06 was ability to bring one node on top of others and now SME 0.1.6 fully utilizes this. Helium also now offers seperators between sockets, however atm I can’t use this in SME. I’ll try to include new material/map definition files in next update where you could use these. Basicly you could organize the order of sockets (and choose not to show all of them) with these definition files and add seperators between them.
The Lock button and the multi-selection are great!
Also the map/material definition files which are to come are a sign of maturity/robustness, good thinking
One feature request: when I try to connect a node to something every material in the view “shows off”, which at times gets things pretty clutered. I think it would be nicer if only the material you are hovering over while dragging the link displays it’s slots.
Another improvement would be IMO that materials shouldn’t expand only after say 400 milisecs (standard Windows’s menu response time) after you hover above them. As they are right now they feel a bit too snappy:)
A bug to report: sometimes when I click the top spinner for float values, it just continues going on and on. I’m not pressing it in any particular way, just the way I always do. But sometimes it does this weird thing… but I can’t give you the steps to reproduce it.
Oh wait, I can: it happens only after I have just selected a float node…
Ok, and another one: if I press Del to delete a connection and it deletes it, pressing Del again immediately after gives a maxscript error…
Any time soon I’ll get rid of the old material editor button for ever:D