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[Closed] Schematic Material Editor Progress

stevecullum, make sure you have the latest Helium 1.03 and the correct version. If I remember correctly you have to manually copy the correct DLX/C files to get it work with max9 32bit or 64bit, they are included with the in their own folders.

This could indeed be the case!

I’ll check it out – thanks.

thanks for such a g8 script, ammazing. i love it…


I hope for you (and us!) that autodesk will hire you/buy your SME:deal:. It’s great

that looks awesome! I just have 1 question… how do I run/install it?? thanks!!

Hi Alex,

on this older thread are the instructions:

thanks for that! It works! great! thanks guys!!

epheres last version was 0.1.4 too if im correct, so please dont let it die like ephere did.

Great editor! Keep it up dude!

… yes, keep it up !!!

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