Just to make sure…have you installed Helium?
Its needed for it to work.
There will be a big update on how SME handdles controllers in a week or two…
hello! I’ve 3ds max 8 and it doesn’t work properly- sme open when I run sme ini script but I can’t work with this. What should I do or is it wroten for max 8?
– SME Beta Version 0.1.4 –
Download: http://www.niksula.cs.hut.fi/~jylilamm/Resources/SME_Beta_0_1_4.rar
Release info:
- Arrange now only affects children (nodes connected to input sockets), previously it searched for root first.
- The way SME manages controllers is changed, they are no longer stored into rootNode or anywhere else in the scene except the materials and maps which use them.
- All controllers are now handled properly within SME, this includes support for Color_RGB(A) channels (See image)
- New option to hide everything related to controllers
I have tested this version very briefly so it might have very obvious bugs. Since I heavily altered the code recarding controllers it is very likely that there are some bugs when working with controllers. However, if you use “Display -> Hide Controllers” option it should work as before because it effectivly disables all functions related to controllers.
Scenes where Math nodes / controllers were used with previous versions of SME wont work.
New controller support:
I use the SME at home and find its great, especially since I’m used to node based material editors. Thanks for your work on this great script!
However, I’m having a problem installing it at work. We were using MAX 8 and its fine there. But when I tried to add it to Max 9, it failed to run. I thought it could be the Helium framework, so I tried re-installing this for Max9, but now when I run Max I get a plugin error “
“DLL <heliumController.dlc> failed to initialize. Error code: 127 – the specified procedure could not be found.”
Has anyone else seen this problem and know of a cure? – Its going to suck if I cant get SME going in Max 9!
Thanks for any help…
“DLL <heliumController.dlc> failed to initialize. Error code: 127 – the specified procedure could not be found.”
Make shure you are using the Max9 version of helium.
Looks like you are trying to load the Max8 version in Max9