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[Closed] Scale to world axis??

I’d go for:

 for o in objects do about [0,0,0] scale o [0.5,0.5,0.5]

max_file_name = getFilenameFile maxFilename ————–this line gets the file name text

myobjects=$‘max_file_name’ as array ——— this line using the name and searching and array
select myobjects[1] ———— this line selecting the first object from array list,

where i am doing mistake… cant this be written this way for maxfile name object to be selected… ??

use the
function to get the node(s) using the maxFileName

right now i am not getting exactly…

how to use get
getNodeByName for my need…??

Not entirely sure what you’re looking for, but this applies the scale about the worldspace origin to all objects which MATCH the scene’s name.

sFilename = "*" + (getFilenameFile maxFilename) + "*"
  p3Scale = [0.5,0.5,0.5]
  for o in objects where matchPattern pattern:sFilename do about [0,0,0] scale o p3Scale
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