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[Closed] Scale edges?

How do I scale edges through max script?

I turned on the macro recorder and it says:
scale $.selectedEdges [1,1.31866,1.31866]

But every time I try something similar, I just get an “undefined” in the listener.

2 Replies

fn _scale_edge _object _x _y _z =


if ((classof _object) == Editable_Poly) do


selectie = polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge _object (polyop.getedgeselection _object)

selectie2 = #()

selectie2 = selectie as array

for ver = 1 to ver = selectie2.Count do

new_pos = (polyop.getvert _object selectie2[ver])scalematrix[_x,_y,_z](inverse _object.objecttransform)

polyop.setvert _object selectie2[ver] new_pos




–(select an object and some edges use the numbers to scale the edges in x,y and z
–the object must be Editable Poly)
–_scale_edge (object with selected edges) (on x) (on y) (on z)
_scale_edge $ 2 2 2

Awesome, but it appears to be scaling around [0, 0, 0] instead of the selection center like the scale tool does. Do you know how to scale it around the center point?