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[Closed] Scale along vetex normals?

In Maya, you can go to the Scale option box and select via Normal if you where wanting to scale an object’s selected vertices, and the effect was that the verts would translate along the direction of their normals. Great when you wanted to scale something like a low poly character and keep the proportions.

Is there a script that does this?

Say the user selects the vertices they want to scale.
Then in a for every vert in selection, translate 0.50 amount along the normal.
A negative number would shrink it, and a positive number would expand it.

I’m sure this has been needed before now, and I just don’t know how to do in Max, or know of the proper script. I’ve checked scriptspot, but I haven’t found it.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Two ways:

*Select Vertices
*Add Push Modifier
*Enter Push Value.

The beauty of this is that the value is animatable, so you can achieve breathing effects etc.

Alternative for modeling:
*Select Vertices
*Go to Move Mode
*Set Ref. Coord System to Local
*Set Use Pivot Point Centers

You will notice that all vertices have their local coordinate system with Z along the normal. So you can either move all vertices along Z, or enter a relative Z value in the Transform Type In and you will get what you want.

(If you have Customize>Preferences>Gizmos>Show Multiple Gizmos unchecked, only one transform gizmo will be shown, but all vertices will move along their normals regardless)

Thank You!

Worked like a charm!

Enjoy your the rest of your week.