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[Closed] SaveNodes and Texture Maps reloading???

I’ve a scene with a ton of texture maps pulled from a server.
My material editor and libray are empty

When I saveNodes, or Save Selected from the pull down, it takes about 30-33 seconds to save just a selected camera to a max file and the file is about 2 megs.

I’ve also attempted “[b]freeSceneBitmaps/b” before the SaveNodes, this does not change the time to save or file size issue.

If I clear all materials from all objects, it takes 0.534 seconds to save the same camera and the file is 165k.

The only conclusion I can make is that Max is reloading texture maps after each SaveNodes command. Why the filesize is different is beyond me…

Has anyone had this same problem?

Could someone confirm this in a server/workstation enviroment?

Any ideas on how to stop this behavior…