[Closed] SDK and max script – tough question
Hey guys –
Quick background: I’m a unix systems programmer (lots of C and x86 assembly knowledge), but this is my first time working with 3DSMax SDK and max scrippting.
The problem: A max script has been created which assigns a custom attribute to an object in the scene. This is done more or less by doing the following:
on assign pressed do
for i in selection do
custAttributes.add i classCAs
i.class = classMaster.tv.selectedItem.text
For reference:
classCAs = attributes classAttributes
parameters classParams rollout:classMaster2
mass type:#float ui:massSpinner
price type:#float ui:priceSpinner
class type:#string
Now, I have written a C++ Plugin which exports each object in a file format which another program can use. In the export process, I ask 3d Studio max how many custom attributes an INode has, and it returns 0:
/* error check is ommited to save space… */
ICustAttribContainer *tmp = node->GetCustAttribContainer();
int numAttribs = tmp->GetNumCustAttribs();
Using a debugger, the function GetNumCustAttribs() returns 0, when I was hoping that the above max script code would add in custom attributes, class price and mass.
Is there something obvious I am missing here? I can provide more code if it would be useful for solving the problem – I’ve only provided the lines which seem relevant to save space on this already lenghty post.
Thanks for the help and suggestions.
So as it turns out, I added the custom attribs manually via 3ds max and tested the plugin and it worked.
This means there is a bug in the maxscript code I pasted above.
Anyone know what the problem is? I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here…
hey hey
check your maxscript again – you need to make the selection an array first. i quickly did a test as i didn’t know how to add custom attibutes to an object either.
customAttributes = attributes objectData
parameters main rollout:paramsRollout
hitPoints type:#float ui:spn_hits default:10
cost type:#float ui:spn_cost default:100
rollout paramsRollout "Custom"
spinner spn_hits "Hit Points:" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
spinner spn_cost "Cost:" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
rollout fooRollout "Test"
-- create
button btn_AddAttribute "Add attributes to selected" align:#center
-- events
on btn_AddAttribute pressed do (
selection = getCurrentSelection()
count = selection.count
for p = 1 to count do
-- add custom attributes
custAttributes.add selection[p] customAttributes
if theWindow != undefined then (
CloseRolloutFloater theWindow;
theWindow = newRolloutFloater "Foobar" 200 300
addRollout fooRollout theWindow
or you may not had the class attibutes defined correctly
customAttributes = attributes objectData
parameters main rollout:paramsRollout
hitPoints type:#float ui:spn_hits default:10
cost type:#float ui:spn_cost default:100
rollout paramsRollout "Custom"
spinner spn_hits "Hit Points:" range:[0,100,10] type:#float
spinner spn_cost "Cost:" range:[0,100,10] type:#float