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[Closed] Running Max Script in Stand-Alone


  I'm trying to run any of these file without Max installed or running on my comp: "MaxScript MacroScript DLL or DLU files".

  Is there anyway I can turn them into *.EXE files with C++ or any Programming progs.


2 Replies

The answer, of course, is no. But what on earth would you want to do that for anyway? maxscript’s sole purpose is to automate various tasks within 3dsmax. Without max running, what exactly do you intend a maxscript or macroscript to do?

Short answer: no

DLL (and DLU, which are just DLLs, but renamed) are libraries. They’re just collections of functions, classes, etc… There’s nothing in them to make them running programs.

Why are you even trying to run MAXScripts outside of Max?

MAXScript controls Max. If Max isn’t running there isn’t much you could do with MAXScript, short of some basic File I/O operations. But those sorts of things are available in any number of Windows compatible scripting languages (VBScript, JavaScript, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc…)