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[Closed] Rs PointCache Merger

Hi there!

The main purpose of this MaxScript is to let you attach as much animated meshes as you want without losing the animation applied to each one of them.

This kind of feature is specially usefull with some ParticleFlow Operators like Krakatoa Collision or Geometry test. It can also be used with animated characters to unify all the PointCaches of the diferent elements they are wearing, like weapons or cloths, in only one big PointCache with all the vertex movement information of all the meshes attached.

The script is free and open source under CC BY 3.0 license.

Tuts and download here (MaxScript menu):
And here:
The tutorials have english and spanish subtitles.

Let me know what you think of it, comments, suggestions and bug reporting are welcome

Hope you enjoy it and Merry Christmas ^_^!