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[Closed] Rotation Spring – Scripted Controller


Does anyone know how to create a scripted controller that would give an objects rotation a spring / inertial bounce effect?

In After Effects, I use a ‘inertial bounce’ expression all the time for a little secondary motion. When objects are linked in a hierarchy, it can produce some very cool effects. Here is the AE expression:

[B]// Inertial Bounce (moves settle into place after bouncing around a little)
n = 0;
if (numKeys > 0){
n = nearestKey(time).index;
if (key(n).time > time){
if (n == 0){
t = 0;
t = time – key(n).time;

if (n > 0){
v = velocityAtTime(key(n).time – thisComp.frameDuration/10);
amp = .05;
freq = 4.0;
decay = 2.0;
value + vampMath.sin(freqt2Math.PI)/Math.exp(decayt);

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bob Dyce

6 Replies

Update: I dug up Peter Watje’s old float spring controller and it seems to do everything that I need…except it only works in max 2012 and earlier.

Here is a link to the source code:

I reached out to Dave from via email to ask if he’d be willing to recompile it for 2013. Fingers crossed!

Bob Dyce

To get a rotation type spring, I’ve always used a standard spring controller on an object that then had another object looking at it.


I’ve done similar setups with a spring position controller on a null with a look at…this works great when you want some secondary motion throughout a hierarchy chain (like bouncy bunny ears), the spring/null/link works great.

But, if you want to animate an obejcts rotation to specific orientations, you have to animate the null rather than the bone/object – this can be a pain. I end up with a bunch of keys swinging a bunch of nulls around…this makes for a pretty clunky solution.

If I was better at math / code, I’d take a stab at writing a scripted/expression controller – something akin to the after effects ‘inertial bounce’ expression. Perhaps what I am looking for is not as simple in Max as it is in AE.


I am also interested in rotation spring controller. I’ve found this abandoned controller and wrote authors with wish to resurrect it.

Nice find!

My coworker is buddies with Matt from Boomer Labs and he’s an awesome dude. He has created some custom scripts and tools for our shop. We just reached out to him as well to see he’d be willing to work on the spring controller. I’d love to see this happen!


Hey folks,

Thanks for your interest in SuperSpring. Based on recent interest, I’m planning to re-start my beta of this cool little plugin. If you are interested in participating, please send me an email ( with the subject line: “SuperSpring Beta”.
