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[Closed] Rotated mesh grill

Im trying to make my mesh grill locker panel diamond shape instead of cubed .
If anyone would like give some insight that would be great.

Heres the code

rollout DoorTool "Greg's Door Panel Door Maker"
  	  spinner mesh_length "Door length: " type:#integer range:[4,48,12]
  	  spinner mesh_height "Door Height: " type:#integer range:[4,48,12]
  	spinner door_high "Off Floor Height: " type:#integer range:[1,120,3]
  	  button create "Create Panel Door"
  	  on create pressed do
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	offloor = door_high.value
  	wirelength = doorlength-5.75
  	wirewidth = .00
  	wireheight = doorheight-5.75
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	high = offloor-.125
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: wirewidth height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth Length_Segments: wirelength Height_Segments: wireheight   
  	wire.pos = [.25,0,high]
  	select $ChamferBox01 "Modifier Stack" "Convert_to_Poly"
  	subobjectLevel = 4
  	$.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Face #{1..4800}
  	$.insetAmount = 0.06
  	$.insetType = 1
  	$.EditablePoly.buttonOp #Inset
  	actionMan.executeAction 0 "40020"  -- Edit: Delete Objects
  	max delete
  	$.EditablePoly.delete #Face
  	select $chamferbox01
  	$.material = meditMaterials[9] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 90
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = .6875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = 2.875
  	thk = .6875
  	wireheight = doorheight
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth Length_Segments: filseg Height_Segments: filseg
  	wire.pos = [0,doorlength/2-1.4375,0]
  	select $chamferbox02
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 90
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength/3
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = .6875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = .25
  	thk = .25
  	wireheight = doorheight-6.25
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth
  	wire.pos = [0,doorlength/2-3,3.125]
  	select $chamferbox03
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 90
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength/3
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = .6875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = .25
  	thk = .25
  	wireheight = doorheight-6.25
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth
  	wire.pos = [0,-doorlength/2+3,3.125]
  	select $chamferbox04
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 90
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength/3
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = .6875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = 2.875
  	thk = .6875
  	wireheight = doorheight
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth
  	wire.pos = [0,-doorlength/2+1.4375,0]
  	select $chamferbox05
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 90
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength/3
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = .6875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = doorlength-5.75
  	thk = .6875
  	wireheight = 2.875
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth
  	wire.pos = [0,0,doorheight-2.875]
  	select $chamferbox06
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 0
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = 2.875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight/3
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = doorlength-5.75
  	thk = .6875
  	wireheight = 2.875
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth
  	wire.pos = [0,0,0]
  	select $chamferbox07
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 0
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = 2.875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight/3
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = doorlength-5.75
  	thk = .25
  	wireheight = .25
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth
  	wire.pos = [0,0,2.875]
  	select $chamferbox08
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 0
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = .6875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight
  	doorlength = mesh_length.value
  	  doorheight = mesh_height.value
  	wirelength = doorlength-5.75
  	thk = .25
  	wireheight = .25
  	fillet =.03125
  	filseg = 1
  	smooth = 0
  	wire = chamferbox length: wirelength width: thk height: wireheight Fillet: fillet Fillet_Segments: filseg smooth: smooth 
  	wire.pos = [0,0,doorheight-3.125]
  	select $chamferbox09
  	$.material = meditMaterials[7] "Modifiers" "Uvwmap"
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].maptype = 4
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].axis = 0
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].length = doorlength
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].width = .6875
  	$.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].height = doorheight
  	select #($chamferbox02, $chamferbox01, $chamferbox03, $chamferbox04, $chamferbox05, $chamferbox06, $chamferbox07, $chamferbox08, $chamferbox09)
  	actionMan.executeAction 0 "40140"  -- Groups: Group
    createDialog DoorTool width:250

please dont mind my messy code work.
Im afraid this task may need a great deal of math work unless anyone has a better idea.
BTW the “Off Floor Height” will be for future use stacking panels