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[Closed] Rotate intersecting trees

This is my first undertaking with maxscript, and I’m in over my head. I’m converting a scene for a game which has ~17k trees (2 plane objects). The problem is that the game’s engine doesn’t handle intersecting trees very well and I get flickering and other z-buffer issues. I mashed together a script that compares two trees and if they collide it rotates one of them on the x-axis. (not very useful when you have this many trees)

fn SetRotation obj  rx ry rz =
 	local translateMat = transMatrix obj.transform.pos
 	 local scaleMat = scaleMatrix obj.transform.scale
 	obj.transform = scaleMat  * translateMat
 	rotate obj (angleaxis rx [1,0,0])
 	rotate obj  (angleaxis ry [0,1,0])
 	rotate obj (angleaxis  rz
 objs  = selection as array
  for i = 1 to objs.count do
    for j = i+1 to  objs.count do
 	if (intersects objs[i] objs[j])  then
    SetRotation objs[i] 30 0 0 

Is there a way to make something like this work if I multiple objects are selected? What I mean is, if I select say 1000 trees, have the script find the colliding trees and then rotate them?

Thanks for helping out a noob.

1 Reply

hmm… Maybe you should try this way around

for geo in selection do
	for me in selection where (me != geo) do
		if ((intersects geo me  ) == true) then
			geo.position = [0,0,0] --Write your action here