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[Closed] Rotate OBJECT only?

The maxscript help file has a nice little function to emulate rotation with “affect pivot only” turned on:

fn rotatePivotOnly =
	local rotValInv = inverse (rotation as quat)
	animate off
	in coordsys local obj.rotation *= rotValInv
	obj.objectOffsetPos *= rotValInv
	obj.objectOffsetRot *= rotValInv

What I want to know is, what do I need to do in order to rotate an object WITHOUT affecting the pivot?

4 Replies

What about something like $.objectoffsetrot *= ((eulerangles 0 0 45) as quat) ?

Looks like what I am actually going to want to do is going to be a bit more complicated. I’m trying to set a bone to a different axis order, but still have its orientation be the same as before the change. Is there any way to do this?

I think you have to move vertex position. It should be slower for hight polygon


First off why do you need to change the axis order of a bone?