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[Closed] Rollout user interface spinner and colorpicker

Hi guys,
I was wondering if there is a way to make a spinner or a colorpicker display greyed out like you can do with the checkbox.tristate property. I think I’ve seen it before but I’m not sure…

What I’m trying to do is get the same properties of multiple object and if they are different to show a greyed interface element so there is no confusion about those properties. Any ideas on how to achieve this if the above is not possible?


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No way for color pickers (short of disabling it), but the spinner supports an indeterminate state like the tristate mode of checkboxes:

spinner <name> [ <caption> ] [ range:[min,max,val] ] [type:<name>] [scale:<float>] [ fieldWidth:<integer>] [indeterminate:<boolean>] [controller(<controller>)]

When set to true, the spinner edit field is blank.



I am using the indeterminate for the spinner already but it does not give enough visual clues…
I guess I’ll have to think about something else.

Thanks for the quick answer Bobo!

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When the spinner is grayed out, it is disabled. I assume this is why it is just empty but not gray when in indeterminate state…