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[Closed] Rollout elements based on selection ..???

Hi All …

I’m trying do something i don’t know if it’s possible …
i want the to let the user select a main folder the a rollout elements well be:
1 sub-rollouts in the name of the folders inside the main foders
2 bottoms will be the max files in side the sub-folders.:hmm:
is it possible? … :argh:

i did my best to explain it … hope you got it …

Any help is very appreciated :bowdown:


3 Replies

I think it’s possible, but’s going to take some work, because rollouts cannot be changed you have to create them on the fly with strings…


It sounds like a tree view would be a better route to go. Then you can show the hierarchical structure, etc. Or maybe 2 list views, one with subfolders and one with max files. What exactly are you doing with the script?


thanks for the reply all …
the thing behind the script is character creation means creating a different elements of the character ( eyes, hears, … ) creating each group of elements in a different defolder and then merging them in a folder to creat a character. hope i delver the idea.