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[Closed] Rollout Floater inside Dialog?

Hi all !

I ran into another problem and i cant find the answer from manual. So here i go again with hope, that maby someone knows something about my issue.
Anyway… I’m trying to create a similar dialog window as Render Scene dialog. I want to have a fixed/locked bar with button on bottom of the dialog window and several Rollouts on the uper part. Is it possible? I’m thinking, that maby somehow putting the Rollout Floater inside Dialog could do it. So far all my attempts to do so have failed =(
Any ideas? Can it be done at all?

Thank you in advance !

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read this in max script reference : subrollout
then u can add any rollout into a subrollout .

Thank you ! Well…it seems, that i have to change my plans. According to help file Subrollout doesnt work in Viz (I want it to work there too). Oh well. The idea was too good anyway =)
