[Closed] Rollout Checkbox Reload
Okay, I am trying to create this rollout that has a checkbox… Did that. The purpose of this checkbox is to turn on and off the layermanager’s freeze button. I have this rollout in an attribute holder on an object. Now, when I deselect the object and re-select the object – even though the layer manager has a frozen layer – the checkbox is still unchecked… Here are the properties in corresponding order.
Checkbox.checked == true : layer.isfrozen = true
Checkbox.checked == false : layer.isfrozen = false
Any ideas on how to make this operation work?
Obviously, you need either an event handler executed when the rollout is opened, or a callback (not so good idea) to set the value in the UI. Normally, a parameter in an attribute holder could be linked to other tracks, but unfortunately the layer frozen state is not a property you could easily link a UI control to.
Try the on yourRollout open do () handler and see if it actually gets called when you reselect the object (I haven’t tried this before).
How do you normally check the state of an item within the UI with a rollout? Thanks for the sugguestion though… I don’t think i tried the on open one… I tried the on load and such…
Actually… That worked perfectly… For those who will use this for reference, put a
on yourRoll open do function()
inside the rollout… Works great.