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[Closed] Road Creator Script

Hey guys, hoping somebody might know of a script I can steal from. First of all, I’m new to scripting, and the way I learn best is to pick apart what others have done. I’ve gone through a lot of the scripts in the help file, but most of them have nothing to do with what I’m trying to do, so its hard to relate.


here’s my problem: We create custom road maps for our architecture scene. I’m trying to come up with a script that allows me to create a multi-sub material, give an option to choose the path for the maps, then apply it to the selected mesh.

I’m not looking for someone to write a script that will do that, just trying to see if there’s a similar script I can learn from and take pieces from. btw…I’ve checked Scriptspot, but most of what I come up with is scripts for converting materials and new material editors, not creating new ones.



2 Replies

This one is very straight forward, so just go through the help file and find each piece…

look at “MulitMaterial” show how to construct a MM. If you have a network share point for everyone, aka common folder, I would hand create a MM and save it there as a .mat file then just load it in and swap the map. see “Material Library” in the help… if you are in Max 9 or newer… tn = loadTempMaterialLibrary <filename> will give you the mat in a library.

check out “[b][b]getOpenFileName” for getting the bitmap file name
check out “ShowProperties” and “getPropnames” to expore objects and materials.

All objects with an ablity to have a material have a “material” property so just assign it.

$.material = < your new material >

Have fun.


Thanks Kramsurfer for the guidance! I’m sure I’ll be back because I doubt I’ll get it right the first time.
