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[Closed] Rigging script

I have written a script to rig an already-boned character.

The script uses functions throughout as there are instances of passing “L” and “R” parameters to rig each side.

It’s not quite finished yet and I use Tools > Evaluate All from the Maxscript Editor window.

Sometimes the script runs from start to finish with no errors. Sometime it has problems just creating IKSolvers, which is one of the first things it does. This make subsequent code fail, such as adding Custom Attributes, because the controls don’t exist.

Is there a problem with some of my variable definitions. I do re-use quite a lot.

Sometimes, when the script doesn’t complete when I use Evaluate All, I can select the lines and use Evaluate Line/Selection and it works.

3 Replies

It’s really hard to tell without further information…(The error message or the code…preferably both)

again, difficult to work out but is probably a scope issue. what does the listener say?

Thanks both for your reply.

Attached is the script – hope it makes sense: I’m fairly new to MaxScript.

Also attached is a sample scene to play with.

All guidance gratefully received.