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[Closed] Reset X, Pivot and Collapse

Hello you scripters,

Ive started to try out some maxscripting today. Very very interesting stuff.

I am trying to create a script that combines 3 actions in 1. I have searched my ass off on google and these boards for some tips and came up with some commands but I think I’m doing something wrong when I combine it and link it to a button.

What I want the script to do: I have created a scene and I want all models in this scene to: “Reset X-form, Align pivot to 0-axis and Collapse stack to editablepoly modifier”
and I would like to link this command to a button in or outside a rollout.

What script am I using currently:

rollout ResetXPivotnCollapse "ResetXPivotnCollapse" width:162 height:57
	groupBox grp1 "Reset X-Form" pos:[4,7] width:154 height:46
	button ResetXForm "ResetXForm" pos:[43,26] width:77 height:21


	on ResetXForm pressed do
		o.pivot = [0,0,0]
		collapseStack(o) selection
objEd = newRolloutFloater "ResetXPivotCollapse" 250 450 50 50
addrollout vertSnap objEd 

Error: –Type error: Call needs function or class, got: ButtonControl:ResetXform

Any ideas.


5 Replies
   rollout ResetXPivotnCollapse "ResetXPivotnCollapse" width:162 height:57
	groupBox grp1 "Reset X-Form" pos:[4,7] width:154 height:46
	button Reset_XForm "ResetXForm" pos:[43,26] width:77 height:21


	on Reset_XForm pressed do
	for o in selection do (
		o.pivot = [0,0,0]
		ResetXform (o) 
		collapseStack o --selection
objEd = newRolloutFloater "ResetXPivotCollapse" 250 450 50 50
addrollout ResetXPivotnCollapse objEd

-Do not use a modifier name as a button identifier
this is not valid , i changed the dentifier to reset_xform

-you need to select the objects before you press the script button .

-instead of newRolloutFloater you can simply do

rollout test “test”

your code here

createDialog test

newRolloutFloater is usually used when you have lots of controls to add and don’t want them displayed all the time

check the last line … you were adding a rollout that didn’t exist to the objEd

Awesome, thanks for the comment.

Your script works like a charm, except for one thing, everything becomes an
editable mesh, which variable did you change for that? I need everything to become an editable poly after collapse.

And second question:
If I use your code with the rollout script like you said, thus like this:

rollout test "test"
rollout ResetXPivotnCollapse "ResetXPivotnCollapse" width:162 height:57
	groupBox grp1 "Reset X-Form" pos:[4,7] width:154 height:46
	button Reset_XForm "ResetXForm" pos:[43,26] width:77 height:21


	on Reset_XForm pressed do
	for o in selection do (
		o.pivot = [0,0,0]
		ResetXform (o) 
		collapseStack o --selection

createDialog test 

When I run the script, the popup seems to be empty! I mustve understood wrong I guess, which part of the code goes into where?

Okay Fixed it, I think!

rollout ResetXPivotnCollapse "ResetXPivotnCollapse" width:162 height:57
	groupBox grp1 "Reset X-Form" pos:[4,7] width:154 height:46
	button Reset_XForm "ResetXForm" pos:[43,26] width:77 height:21


	on Reset_XForm pressed do
	for o in selection do (
		o.pivot = [0,0,0]
		ResetXform (o) 
		collapseStack o --selection

createDialog ResetXPivotnCollapse 

However, the models still become editablemeshes, UNLESS they have previously been modified to an editablepoly modifier. How can I adjust this variable?

Once again thank you very much Cyfer!

make a teapot
add a xform modifier and collapse
you’ll get a mesh !
that’s exactly what you do in your script
if you need every thing to be editablePoly you can add this line

converttopoly o

now it should look like

for o in selection do (
o.pivot = [0,0,0]
ResetXform (o)
collapseStack o
converttopoly o

  • i was wrong … don’t use Reset_Xform as a button identifier , its a reserved word for max
    and its a bad practice to do it , it will work but you shouldn’t use it
    making it TheResetXform or ResetTheXform is fine

please see these sections in the documentation

-for loop
-node general parameters

these will help you get what this script does

  • Renamed the button identifier

P e r f e c t script cyfer, thank you very much. Ive learned a lot.

Will check out the documentation, plus I will search for some good books on maxscript.