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[Closed] Reset Skin Envelopes

The method for resetting skin envelopes does not exist in either the MXS skinops or the SDK. The only solution I know of is to remove the bone and add it again. This will apply the original (reset) envelope settings. Of course, this changes the vertex data of the skin and the order of the bones (which might be worst in some situations).

But maybe? … Hopefully I’m missing something and someone can suggest a better way to reset the envelope settings for the specified bone with minimal loss …

3 Replies

I remember surprising results when I was trying that by resetting bones.
Thinking save Envelopes saving weights so resetting weights should reset…
But no, only remove worked.

Although, there is initialEnvelopePercent with default values as a percentage from bounding box.
So setting (in/out) radius from that = resetting envelope

While I was checking this (now) smaller selected bone get angry after I reduced it’s bone geometry!
So it decided to partially transfer envelopes to other bone and get peace of cake
See yellow circles and faces