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[Closed] Reorder Modifier Stack


I am trying to reorder modifier stack, but when I try to do so I get

-- Runtime error: Setting modifier array not yet implemented[color=white]

I’m using version 7. Does anyone know of a workaround, or existing scripts to refer to?


5 Replies


  1. Make a clone of the original object without any modifier.
  2. Apply the modifiers one by one in the order you want from the original on the clone.

Probably safer to reapply the existing modifiers to the existing object:

– original
b = box height:100 heightsegs:10 isselected:true
addmodifier $ (Stretch Stretch:2)
addmodifier $ (Bend BendAngle:45)
max tool zoomextents

– reapply modifiers in reverse
addmodifier $ $.modifiers[1]
addmodifier $ $.modifiers[3]

–delete original modifiers
deletemodifier $ $.modifiers.count
deletemodifier $ $.modifiers.count

Thanks guys,

Here’s the catch though. The modifier I want to reorder is an edit_mesh, edit_poly, or FFD with lots of work done on them. How could I copy an existing modifier with it’s sub-object transforms still on, and then apply it to another object?



I don’t think that this is currectly possible.

you might have to get all the vert positions from the modifier, delete the modifier and then reapply them.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Ouch. Not what I wanted to hear.

Thanks Paul,
