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[Closed] Render to texture 2048 limit, any fix?

Hey Guys,

Id like to use render to texture to render out maps larger than 2048. However there seems to be a limit with render to texture, anything over 2048 either doesnt render, or renders out ad odd scales.

Any ideas on a solution? I assume this is a max bug?

4 Replies

Ive rendered out maps larger than 2048 in max 7 ans 8. I just put in my own number in the text field. I seem to remeber rendering a 8192 x 8192 before.

ok i made a plane, added a shadows map at 8192×8192 click render , it then says…

“Error Creating Bitmap”

then it says…

“Render Failed or Canceld by User”

however 4096 seems to work in max 9…Ill give max 8 a go again as thats what were using it on…

I have not tried shadow maps. This was a normal map that I was generating.

Could be a memory thing, maybe try increasing your heap size in the maxscript preferences ?