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[Closed] Render output size window

im trying to work on my max scripting an wanted to make a simple roll out
that can have a drop down that i can add screen size we use often here at work so i don’t have to keep typing them is there any way to access the render output setting to do so?


6 Replies

You can find that info here.


Or you can use this

  try destroyDialog ::renderPresetDialog catch()
  rollout renderPresetDialog "Render Presets"
  	local whArr = #("320 | 240", "640 | 480", "800 | 600", "1280 | 720" , "1920 | 1080")
  	dropdownlist ddL_outputs "Render Width\Height:" width:120 pos:[5,5] items:whArr selection:2
  	button btn "Set" pos:[130,23] height:21 width:40
  	checkbox cb "Reverse Width\Height" pos:[5,49]
  	on btn pressed do
  		local rwh = filterstring ddL_outputs.items[ddL_outputs.selection] " | "
  		if not cb.checked then 
  			renderWidth = rwh[1] as integer
  			renderHeight  = rwh[2] as integer
  			renderWidth = rwh[2] as integer
  			renderHeight  = rwh[1] as integer			
 		free rwh
  createDialog renderPresetDialog 175 70

From MaxScript Help:
Changing the render scene dialog settings via MAXScript should be done with the actual render scene dialog in a closed state.Leaving the dialog open will make the attempted MAXScript modifications non-sticky.
For that i add renderSceneDialog.update() at the and of code.
You can add two spinners for custom renderWidth and [color=DarkOrchid]renderHeight [/color]values or extend “whArr ” with your numbers

2 Replies
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hi I’ve been following along in the background and have never seen an array value split the way that you managed here using ” | ” between the array items. Is this information in the help file and if so where did you find it? Is it the filterstring that allows this?

Thanks Luke

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Token string can be any string. Filterstring is mainly used when you have some text and you want to collect every word separately.(In mxs help topic “StringValue”)

  <array of strings>[b][i]filterString[/i][/b] <string> <token_string> [[i][b]splitEmptyTokens[/b]:[/i]<boolean]
filterString "MAX Script, is-dead-funky" ", -" 

thanks guys really appreciate it

Thank you gazybara