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[Closed] Render and Save Command

Dear all, i’m currently working on a project that requires me to repeat these following task

  1. Show and Hide certain object in a scene
  2. Assign specific color onto the object
  3. Render the file from a camera from a view port
  4. Save the rendered file into a unique .jpeg name in an allocated folder

Above 1,2,3 can be done using the listener but i encounter problem with the script of saving the quick render file, please advice, thanks!

4 Replies

for i = 1 to 10 do

f_name = “C:\ est\image” + i as string + “.png”

Render outputfile:f_name


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Hi DaveWortley, thanks for your reply and help but i’m actually looking for something way simpler instead of a sequence render command. What i need is more of a Render a still frame from my scene camera and Save File (jpg) in allocated folder command followed by close if necessary. Really thankful and hope you can help me.

To save a single rendering:

 pnRenderDest = "C:\" -- output directory
 pnRenderImage = pnRenderDest + (getFilenameFile maxFilename) + ".jpg"
 cRenderCam = $Camera01 -- name of your camera
 undisplay (render [b][b]camera:cRenderCam [/b][/b]outputfile:pnRenderImage)

If the name of your camera alters, you can replace the 3rd line with:
cRenderCam = cameras[1]
to use the first camera in scene.

You will however get a maxScript error if no camera is in your scene.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hi zortech, thanks for your reply here, the codes are right but somehow i get an error when running the script Image I/O Error with >> MAXScript FileIn Exception: – Unable to convert: undefined to type: String << please advice, thanks! Sorry but i’ve never use maxscript extensively in my work, hope you can advice me.