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[Closed] Render Option > File output problem

Hi i’m doing a little interface for network rendering, and I need a button and a Text box.

Textbox that shows the path, where the rendered images is saved.
Button is used to brose to the director where I like to save my files.

rollout unnamedRollout “Untitled” width:427 height:218
button SelOutputDir “Select Output Directory…” pos:[9,35] width:134 height:47
editText txtOutputDirectory “OutputDirectory” pos:[10,9] width:407 height:19

When I click the button I browse to the directory and when I click OK, the path is displayed in the EditText box

How do I do that, or where to look?

3 Replies

hi Martin,

here’s an example of how to do this:

rollout browseTest "Browse Test"

	editText edDir "" align:#left fieldWidth:190 across:2
	button bnDirBrowse "..." width:16 height:16 align:#right tooltip:"Browse..."

	on bnDirBrowse pressed do (
		local fname = getSavePath()
		if fname != undefined then
			edDir.text = fname

createDialog browseTest width:250

hOpe this helps,

Thanks alot

[b] [edit:]

[/b] Is i possible to start it in a predefined folder?

M:\New Projeects\Nike\Scenes\shoe\

Is that possible ?

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Only if you are using the getSaveFileName() dialog, not with GetSavePath(), unfortunately…