[Closed] Rename objects from applied texture
Hey there. I’m trying to make a script that will rename my selected objects to it’s currently applied texture, assuming it has a standard material.
( for obj in selection do
(obj.name = obj.material.diffuseMap.filename)
This however, even though it works, will include the whole directory path and extension into the naming, and I can’t figure out a way to exclude it or to get rid of it automatically with the trimleft and trimright functions (trims don’t recognize slashes as far as I’m aware).
So in a way, I want the name to be: “imagename” instead of “C:/Users/MyName/etc/imagename.jpg”.
for obj in selection do
obj.name = getFilenameFile obj.material.diffuseMap.filename
Do note though, if you have two or more objects with the same texture applied, then you’ll have two objects named the same after your process, which is generally a bad thing. Just something to consider.
- Neil
Thanks a lot, both of you. In my specific case it won’t be much of a problem, but thanks for the tip.