[Closed] Remove edge loop AND vertices
Hi all!
Here the problem : when you remove an edge loop, the vertices are style here. So everytime I want to delete an edge loop, I gotta first save a selection of related vertices, go back to edge mode, remove the edge loop, and go back to vertices and remove my selection of vertices.
It is a task I am constantly doing, and getting seriously bored. May you help about this 2-3 lines script ? I am a noob at MaxScript, Thank you
if you are in max 8 (maybe also 7) press control when you remove edges to also clean verts
pre max 8 you can use planebelt optimizer by grant adams (find on script spot)
Ok I tried CTRL+Remove (button and keyboard) on Max7 and it doesn’t work…
Sorry here are script solutions, but not really handy, you gotta set a shortcut, I’d rather a button in the edit poly table :
Ctrl Remove works for me in Max 8.
I added the script I used to use for Max 5 to my site.
Have Fun!
Here is a variation of the concept: (I use max 7)
I wanted same script but without the automatic selection of the edge loop and with the ability to remove edges but not the ending points if the selection is open.
macroscript cleanRemoveEdgeMacro
on isEnabled return selection.count == 1 and subObjectLevel == 2 and classof selection[1] == Editable_Poly
on execute do (
local obj=selection[1]
local theEdges=polyOp.getEdgeSelection obj
if theEdges.numberset!=0 do (
local theVerts=#()
for e in theEdges do ( join theVerts ((polyop.getVertsUsingEdge obj e) as array) )
local theVertsToRemove=theVerts as bitarray
for v in theVertsToRemove do ( deleteItem theVerts (findItem theVerts v) )
undo "cleanRemoveEdge" on (
obj.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Edge
polyop.setVertSelection obj (theVerts as bitarray)
obj.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Vertex
You are offering here good solutions, I’d realy like your scripts to add a button in the edit poly panel How to ?
You can add this macroscript to a shortcut, toolbar, menu … but to the editable poly panel I don’t know
For add it to a toolbar, go to Customize > Customize User Interface and select the Toolbars Tab. (You can create a new toolbar or use an existing)
Locate the category ‘toolBox’ under group ‘Main UI’
Search in the category for the name ‘CleanRemoveEdge’
Drag the script to the toolbar
I think that the name of the button will be too long… use a short name like :