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[Closed] Remove ESC from incoming string data

I have a function that uses memStream.readLine() to get data from 3rd party data sources (text files). Now I’ve encountered a problem I’ve never seen before.

Here is some pseudo-code:

Incoming string looks like this in Notepad++ (but uses little arrows in Notepad):

  "OnUser1" "target1e[b]ESC[/b]SetParente[b]ESC[/b]parentObj1[b]ESC[/b]e0[b]ESC[/b]e-1"
  "OnUser2" "target1e[b]ESC[/b]SetParente[b]ESC[/b]parentObj2[b]ESC[/b]e0[b]ESC[/b]e-1"
  "OnUser3" "target1e[b]ESC[/b]SetParente[b]ESC[/b]parentObj3[b]ESC[/b]e0[b]ESC[/b]e-1"
  "OnUser4" "target1e[b]ESC[/b]SetParente[b]ESC[/b]parentObj4[b]ESC[/b]e0[b]ESC[/b]e-1"

(The characters did not paste properly into the form, so below is an actual image.)

That string is assigned to IncomingString in the code below:

memStreamString = memStreamMgr.openString IncomingString
while memStreamString.eos() == false AND memStreamString.peekToken() != undefined do (
  theLineC= (memStreamString.readLine())
  print theLineC
  --This will print the text in the MAXScript listener
  filterString theLineC " " 
  --This will stop the code from executing and print **interrupted** in the Maxscript listener

So it appears this incoming data is using the character code that represents the ESC key on the keyboard.

I do not know how to sanitize this so that I can use it.

I find it odd that I can print the code but as soon as I try to run string functions that let me extract the data I want, Max stops executing and prints:

** interrupted **

I tried adding this code to the top of the parser:

escapeEnable = false

But that did not help (and according to the docs, is now defaulting to false anyway).

1 Reply

OK… I found a solution:

replacementString = " " --set to whatever is best for needs
cleanString = substituteString taintedString "\x1b" replacementString