[Closed] Refresh a listbox with geometry in the scene
Hello everyone,
I was wondering how I could refresh a text box?
I’ve got it all working except one part.
——————–Works just fine———————————————
local theobjs = for g in geometry
collect g
local theobjs_Name_show = for g in theobjs collect g.name
theListBoxitems = theobjs_Name_show
multilistbox theSceneNamesBox “Scene Object List:” items: (theListBoxitems)
height:3 width:160
–Currently trying to fix…————————————–
function combine_2_Arrays arr1 arr2 =
tempArr = copy arr1#nomap
join tempArr arr2
theSceneNamesBox.items.count = 0
combine_2_Arrays theSceneNamesBox.items theListBoxitems
Found Fix:
theSceneNamesBox.items.count = 0
combine_2_Arrays theSceneNamesBox.items theListBoxitems
theSceneNamesBox.items = #()
theSceneNamesBox.items = for g in theobjs collect g.name
All good now and works like it is supposed to incase anyone needs to use this.