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[Closed] Refering to Listbox Items as button

Hello. I’m trying to create a listbox which selecting every item dose something unique. This is an example script:

global test
try(if test.dialogBar then (cui.unRegisterDialogBar test ) 
	    closeRolloutFloater test
	test = newRolloutFloater "Test1" 200 300
rollout unnamedRollout "Untitled1" width:150 height:150
	listbox lbbox "cam" items:#("one","two","three") selection:1 height:3 
	on lbbox selected ? do 
select $Box001		
on lbbox selected ? do 
select $Box002 
addRollout unnamedRollout test  rolledUp: false 

MaxScript’s refrence is not clear for me. It says:

on <listbox> selected <arg> do <expr>

What <arg> shoud I put instead of question marks in the script above to refer to it’s relevent Item?
It’ll be a very big help. Thank you.

4 Replies

The <arg> is an argument that Max passes automatically to the “selected” Event. In this case, it contains the current selection item number.

Try this:

on lbbox  selected myArg do print myArg

You can change the word “myArg” for any word you want.

Thank you for the reply. With your kindly explanation It’s clear now. Thanks

Or another example.
Let say you have listbox

listbox llbox "objects" items:#("box","sphere","teapot")

Now define some function for different tasks

fn doDifferentThings idx =
	case idx do
		1: for i = 1 to 3 do box pos:[i*30,0,0]
		2: for i = 1 to 3 do sphere pos:[0,i*30,0]
		3: for i = 1 to 3 do teapot pos:[0,0,i*30]

and try “on select” event

on lbbox selected idx do doDifferentThings idx

Another example for same listbox
Let say you have some coordinates array

arr = for i = 1 to 3 collect (random black white) as point3

To create object from the list on specific place (coord from array) use

on lbbox selected idx do execute (lbbox.selection + " pos:" + arr[idx] as string)

Thank you very much Branko. very helpfull.