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[Closed] Readline with max 2012

Hi guys

   I have a problem with a function that works in max2011 alright, but fails in 2012. And I am unsure where the actual error is. All I am trying to do is write a password into a file, then open the file again and check the password. Pretty straight forward process:

       fn register =
       	pw = "I am the password" -- some password
       	regfile = createfile (getDir #temp + "\\license.tmp") -- create a temporary license file
       	format pw to:regfile -- write the password into the file
       	encryptfile (getDir #temp + "\\license.tmp") (getDir #temp + "\\license.lic") 1234567 -- make an encrypted version
       	close regfile -- close the temporary file..
       	deletefile (getDir #temp + "\\license.tmp") -- that it can be deleted
       fn isregistered =
       	registered = false-- create boolean registered
       	if (doesfileexist (getDir #temp + "\\license.lic")) then-- check for file
       		checkfile = openencryptedfile (getDir #temp + "\\license.lic") 1234567 -- open the license file
       		password = readline checkfile -- read the first line, containing the password
       		close checkfile -- close the file again
       		if password == "I am the password" then registered = true -- if it matches, registering worked
         if registered then messagebox "hooray, it works"		
   So if you run the code in max 2011 you should get a messagebox saying "hooray, it works". One would think the same applies to max 2012, but there I get:
-- [color=Red]Error occurred in isregistered(); filename: D:\Projekte\3dsmax\scripts\; position: 826; line: 20[/color]
       --  Frame:
       --   registered: false
       --   checkfile: <File:C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2012 - 64bit\enu	emp\license.lic>
       --   password: undefined
       -- Runtime error: Read past end of file
   What could be the explanation? It must be something 2012 specific, I guess.

   thanks, David
2 Replies

i guess it’s because you try to encrypt your file before you closed it
swap that two lines i marked bold in the quote and it should work

Wow. that solved the error. Thanks a lot!!! I am glad that the solution is so simple (in terms of additional scripting work).

I still don’t understand why max2012 reacts different to the script then 2011, but hey, who cares, it is working, now.

thanks again, David