[Closed] Reading imabes column by column not working.Why?
First, I want to apologyse for my english.
I try to make a script that read images line by line and column by column and change the color of some pixels. The code that open images, read first, second…etc. line and change the pixels colors work well.Here is it:
theBitmap = openBitMap(GetDir #scripts + "\\Combined_UVs_.tga")
newBmpA = bitmap theBitmap.width theBitmap.height
newBmpA = copy theBitmap
-- loop verticaly
for y = 1 to theBitmap.height do
pixRow = getPixels theBitmap [0,y-1] theBitmap.width -- read all pixels of a single line
countPix = #()
for x = 1 to theBitmap.width do --go through all pixels in the line
if (pixRow[x] == (color 0 0 0)) then
append countPix 1
setPixels newBmpA [x-1,y-1] #(red)
close theBitmap
newBmpA.filename = theBitmap.filename
Save newBmpA
Close NewBmpA
After executing this code the images change from this:
to this: and that is the correct result.
But after executing the code for reading column by column the result is very strange. Here the code:
theBitmap = openBitMap(GetDir #scripts + "\\Combined_UVs_.tga")
newBmpA = bitmap theBitmap.width theBitmap.height
newBmpA = copy theBitmap
-- loop horizontaly
for x = 1 to theBitmap.width do
pixColumn = getPixels theBitmap [x-1,0] theBitmap.width --read all pixels of a single column
countPix = #()
for y = 1 to theBitmap.height do --go through all pixels in the column
if (pixColumn[y] == (color 0 0 0)) then
append countPix 1
setPixels newBmpA [x-1,y-1] #(green)
close theBitmap
newBmpA.filename = theBitmap.filename
Save newBmpA
Close NewBmpA
The final image looks in this way:
The first column is black(this is ok), but all other columns are green. When i check the pixColumn variable for first column:
pixColumn = #((color 0 0 0),(color 0 0 0),(color 0 0 0)…)
but for every other columns:
pixColumn = #()
Where is my mistake in the seccond code?
getPixels always reads rows, not columns. There is no native maxscript way of getting a column of pixels.
possible complicated workaround (untested) : rotate the bitmap using bitmaptexture 90 degrees and use rendermap to get a bitmap from that, read rows of that bitmap, save it to temp file and rotate it back 90 degrees and render another bitmap from it :shrug:
Yes, I swap them, but i did not know that the getPixels() work only with rows.
Both Get/Set Pixels works with array of values (but can be limited to single pixel).
Ok, nm, that should be fine (and optimized I hope) –
srcBmp = openBitMap "C:\\Combined_UVs_.tga"
newBmp = bitmap srcBmp.width srcBmp.height
for y = 1 to srcBmp.height do
pixRow = getPixels srcBmp [0,y-1] srcBmp.width
for c = 1 to pixRow.count where pixRow[c] != black do pixRow[c] = green
setPixels newBmp [0,y-1] pixRow
close srcBmp
newBmp.filename = srcBmp.filename
save newBmp
close newBmp
You can made a function to pass the color as argument but I leave this to you