[Closed] Randomize UVWMap Gizmo TM
I have a little problem with my randomization tool.
It’s not perfect solution but it saved me some time from manually setting each UVW Map gizmo transform. For now everything work fine except”Randomize UVW Gizmo” button. It only work two times then stops.
This is the code and in attachment is test scene
try(destroydialog ::rnd_UVWgizmo_TM)catch()
rollout rnd_UVWgizmo_TM "Random UVW GizmoTM"
fn defLbl dnLbl txt =
local maxBC = (colorMan.getColor #background) * 255.
local maxFC = (colorMan.getColor #Text) * 255.
dnLbl.BackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb maxFC.x maxFC.y maxFC.z
dnLbl.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb maxBC.x maxBC.y maxBC.z
dnLbl.Text = txt ; dnLbl.TextAlign = dnLbl.TextAlign.MiddleCenter
fn filtGeo o = (isKindOf o GeometryClass and not isKindOf o TargetObject)
fn filtModyGeo m = (isKindOf m GeometryClass and not isKindOf m TargetObject and m.modifiers.count != 0)
fn checkInput txt =
local result = #(false)
if (fs = filterString txt " ").count != 0 do
if (arr = for s in 1 to fs.count where (num = fs[s] as float) != undefined collect num).count != 0 do result = #(true, arr)
fn getADuvw mody str =
local ss = StringStream str, sizeVals = #()
while not eof ss do append sizeVals (readValue ss)
fn setADuvw mody =
local ss = stringstream ""
print (mody.length) to:ss
print (mody.width) to:ss
print (mody.height) to:ss
print (mody.gizmo.transform) to:ss
setAppData mody 1706 ss
fn setModSize mody =
if (size = (getAppData mody 1706)) != undefined do
local sizeVals = getADuvw mody size
mody.length = sizeVals[1] ; mody.width = sizeVals[2] ; mody.height = sizeVals[3] ; mody.gizmo.scale = sizeVals[4].scalepart
dotnetcontrol lbl1 "Label" pos:[5,5] width:190 height:16
button btn1 "Add UVWMap" pos:[5,25] width:100 height:21
dropdownlist ddl "" pos:[110,25] width:85 height:18 items:#("Plane","Box")
spinner spn1 "Size:" pos:[5,50] fieldwidth:65 range:[1,1e5,100]
spinner spn2 "Channel:" pos:[110,50] fieldwidth:30 range:[1,99,1] type:#integer
radiobuttons rb1 "" labels:#("as Unique","as Instance") pos:[5,70] columns:2
dotnetcontrol lbl2 "Label" pos:[5,90] width:190 height:16
checkbox p_cb1 "X - Axis" pos:[5,110] checked:on
checkbox p_cb2 "Y - Axis" pos:[73,110] checked:on
checkbox p_cb3 "Z - Axis" pos:[138,110] checked:on
edittext et1 "" pos:[0,130] width:195 height:17 text:"-100 100 50 -50 200 -200"
dotnetcontrol lbl3 "Label" pos:[5,150] width:190 height:16
checkbox r_cb1 "X - Axis" pos:[5,170] checked:off
checkbox r_cb2 "Y - Axis" pos:[73,170] checked:off
checkbox r_cb3 "Z - Axis" pos:[138,170] checked:on
edittext et2 "" pos:[0,190] width:195 height:17 text:"0 -90 90 -180 180 -270 270"
dotnetcontrol lbl4 "Label" pos:[5,210] width:190 height:16
checkbox s_cb1 "Length" pos:[5,230] checked:on
checkbox s_cb2 "Width" pos:[73,230] checked:on
checkbox s_cb3 "Height" pos:[138,230] checked:on
edittext et3 "" pos:[0,250] width:195 height:17 text:"0.5 0.8 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2"
dotnetcontrol lbl5 "Label" pos:[5,270] width:190 height:16
checkbox cb1 "Affect Only Enabled Modifiers" pos:[5,290] checked:on
checkbox cb2 "Affect Only With Channel:" pos:[5,310] width:145
spinner spn3 "" pos:[150,310] fieldwidth:35 range:[1,99,1] type:#integer enabled:off
button btn2 "Randomize Seed" pos:[5,330] width:85 height:16
spinner spn4 "" pos:[90,330] fieldwidth:95 height:16 range:[1,9e6,123456] type:#integer
button btn3 "Reset UVW Gizmo" pos:[5,350] width:125 height:25
button btn4 "Randomize UVW Gizmo" pos:[5,380] width:125 height:25
radiobuttons rb2 "" labels:#("Position","Rotation","Scale","All") pos:[135,348] default:4
fn resetUVW mody =
if (size = getAppData mody 1706) != undefined do
local tm = (getADuvw mody size)[4]
case rb2.state of
1: mody.gizmo.pos = tm.row4
2: mody.gizmo.rotation = tm.rotationpart
3: setModSize mody
4: (mody.gizmo.transform = tm ; setModSize mody)
--mody.gizmo.transform = (tm = matrix3 1 ; tm.row4 = (in coordsys obj.transform obj.center) ; tm)
fn randomUVW mods =
seed spn4.value -- problematic part
for m in mods do
if (resetUVW m) == undefined do setADuvw m
case rb2.state of
if (rndVals = checkInput et1.text)[1] do
if p_cb1.checked do m.gizmo.pos.x = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if p_cb2.checked do m.gizmo.pos.y = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if p_cb3.checked do m.gizmo.pos.z = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if (rndVals = checkInput et2.text)[1] == true do
rx = if rnd_UVWgizmo_TM.r_cb1.checked then 1 else 0
ry = if rnd_UVWgizmo_TM.r_cb2.checked then 1 else 0
rz = if rnd_UVWgizmo_TM.r_cb3.checked then 1 else 0
val = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
m.gizmo.rotation = (angleaxis val [rx,ry,rz]) as quat
if (rndVals = checkInput et3.text)[1] do
val = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if s_cb1.checked do m.length *= val
if s_cb2.checked do m.width *= val
if s_cb3.checked do m.height *= val
if (rndVals = checkInput et1.text)[1] do
if p_cb1.checked do m.gizmo.pos.x = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if p_cb2.checked do m.gizmo.pos.y = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if p_cb3.checked do m.gizmo.pos.z = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if (rndVals = checkInput et2.text)[1] == true do
rx = if rnd_UVWgizmo_TM.r_cb1.checked then 1 else 0
ry = if rnd_UVWgizmo_TM.r_cb2.checked then 1 else 0
rz = if rnd_UVWgizmo_TM.r_cb3.checked then 1 else 0
val = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
m.gizmo.rotation = (angleaxis val [rx,ry,rz]) as quat
if (rndVals = checkInput et3.text)[1] do
val = rndVals[2][random 1 rndVals[2].count]
if s_cb1.checked do m.length *= val
if s_cb2.checked do m.width *= val
if s_cb3.checked do m.height *= val
fn wipeOutInstances arr =
local newArr = #(), haveInstance = true
for i = arr.count to 1 by -1 do
if newArr.count == 0 then (append newArr arr[arr.count] ; deleteItem arr arr.count) else
for j = 1 to newArr.count where (areNodesInstances arr[i] newArr[j]) do haveInstance = false
if haveInstance do insertItem arr[i] newArr (random 1 (newArr.count+1))
deleteItem arr i ; haveInstance = true
fn collectUVWMap obj opt1:(cb1.checked) opt2:(cb2.checked) val:(spn4.value) =
local mods = #()
for m in 1 to obj.modifiers.count where isKindOf (mody = obj.modifiers[m]) Uvwmap do
case of
(opt1==true and opt2==true): (if mody.enabled and mody.mapChannel == val do append mods mody)
(opt1==true and opt2==false): (if mody.enabled do append mods mody)
(opt1==false and opt2==true): (if mody.mapChannel == val do append mods mody)
default: append mods mody
) ; mods
on rnd_UVWgizmo_TM open do
defLbl lbl4 "RANDOM SCALE | SIZE"
on cb2 changed state do spn3.enabled = state
on btn1 pressed do
if selection.count != 0 do
local nodes = wipeOutInstances (selection as array)
local mody = UVWMap maptype:(if ddl.selection == 1 then 0 else 4) length:(spn1.value) width:(spn1.value) height:(spn1.value) mapChannel:(spn2.value)
with undo label:"Asign UVWMap's" on
for o in nodes where filtGeo o do
addmodifier o (if rb1.state == 1 then copy mody else mody)
on btn2 pressed do (spn4.value = random 100000. 999999)
on btn3 pressed do
if selection.count != 0 do
local nodes = wipeOutInstances (selection as array)
max create mode
with redraw off
for o in nodes where filtModyGeo o do
for o in nodes where filtModyGeo o do (if (mods = collectUVWMap o).count != 0 do (for m in mods do resetUVW m))
) ; free nodes
on btn4 pressed do
if selection.count != 0 do
if (nodes = wipeOutInstances (selection as array)).count == 0 then (messageBox "Select Only Geomety Objects!" title:"Warning" beep:off) else
max create mode
with redraw off
local mods = #()
for o in nodes where filtModyGeo o do join mods (collectUVWMap o)
format "cnt=%
" mods.count
if mods.count != 0 do randomUVW mods
createdialog rnd_UVWgizmo_TM 200 408 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow) ; ok
edit: when you open test file select all objects and press “Random UVWMap” button couple of times to see the problem
When I commented [–] “seed” function all works fine. Why is this happening?
I jsut found that your random generated numbers are equal for each button pressing. The problem is in seed. Your seed spiner value is 123456 and every time when you press the button the Max generates the same random numbers, and the script uses the first of those random numbers, and every time this first random number is the same.
This allows you to replicate the result for arbitrary seed value. Use something like
seed (timestamp())
or remove the seed, as you did it.
Even if I do that some users will be confused when randomization stop working. Then again need to press “Random Seed” button to get new value and continue further
no… how i usually do:
using seed is optional (off by default)
use timestamp for example to generate unique seed and…
show the seed number in readonly textbox
saving this number user gets some preset in case to repeat the result
Denis is right. This will allows you to go back, use an arbitrary seed value and produce the same result as yestarday.
For example in Bookmanager script there is a spinner that sets the seed value and you can try 100 different seed values that will produces 100 unique book’s placements, and at any time you can use the seed value, that is already tested, and you will have exactly the same book’s placements.
Something like this
checkbox cb ""
spinner spn "" range:[1,1e9,123456] type:#integer
if cb.checked then seed spn.value else seed (spn.value = timestamp())
that’s ok. but better is not overwrite spinner’s value in ‘not seed’ mode. sometimes user might want to compare ‘last saved’ seed against newly generated…