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[Closed] Random chance of deleting an object based on distance from a location?


I have an idea, but don’t know how to put it onto action.

What I want to do is randomly delete objects, based on how far away the objects are from a certain point or object.

For example, I have objects arranged in the 3D space, their position ranges from 0 – 100 on the Y axis. Objects on 0 units X axis have a 100% chance of not being deleted, and objects 100 units from the X axis have 100% chance of being deleted.

The aim of this is to have a randomly generated set of objects, which “fade” the further they are from a location, or it could even be the distance from say a cube.

I have thought about using particles, but I want to control the original layout of the objects, for example it could be an interlocking grid, or leaves on a tree.

If anyone has any ideas how I might go about this it would be really appreciated!


7 Replies

I have just made a quick mock up, please see attachment. On the left is the original, and the right shows how it might look after running a script.

#1 find maximum distance (max_dist)
#2 using normalized distance (dist):
#3 get probability of object being deleted:

 (random (dist/max_dist) 1.0) > 0

but i would probably use visibility track (expression or script controller) instead of deleting an objects

Something like this could work:

  delete objects
  for x = 12.5 to 400 by 25 do
  	for y = 12.5 to 400 by 25 do
  		plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 pos:[x,y,0] wirecolor:black
  fn SelectRandomNodesByDistance pos:[0,0,0] axis:#y nodes:#() =
  	max_dist = -1e9
  	min_dist = 1e9
  	nodes = for node in nodes collect
  		case axis of
  			  #x:dist = abs node.pos.x - pos.x
  			  #y:dist = abs node.pos.y - pos.y
  			  #z:dist = abs node.pos.z - pos.z
  			#all:dist = distance node.pos pos
  		max_dist = amax max_dist dist
  		min_dist = amin min_dist dist
  		#(dist, node)
  	max_dist += min_dist
  	result = for node in nodes where (random min_dist max_dist) < node[1] collect node[2]
  	return result
  sel = SelectRandomNodesByDistance pos:[0,0,0] axis:#y nodes:objects
  sel.wirecolor = red

@Denis thanks for the tips, a simple solution like this will probably work well. You’re also right, deleting objects probably isn’t the best, but could even just re-name them, select them, wire colour, etc,

@Jorge thanks for the script, that’s really given me something to look at and understand, although what I want to achieve is a script that can be used on an existing scene, not just planes. I want to experiment with all kinds of geometric shapes.

Thanks for the help and advise so far!


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You can pass whatever nodes you would like to the function. The planes in this case are just for testing it.

I have highlighted the part of the code you can remove (the one that creates the planes). Then just call the function like:

SelectRandomNodesByDistance pos:[0,0,0] axis:#y nodes:[b]objects[/b]

Where ‘objects’ is the array of nodes you want to work with.

The function will return an array of nodes that you can work with.

Hi Jorge,

I think I understand your script, and it works well, I just needed something that would work with some pre-made geometry.

So I have taken Denis’ idea and turned it into a simple, but effective script which does what I want.

  md = 100
  for m in selection do (
      od = m.pos.x
  randomchance = random (od/md) 1
  if (0.95 < randomchance) then m.wirecolor = color 0 0 0

md is the max distance the furthest object is from the y axis. At the moment this is just a manual figure, rather than automatically finding the furthest object.

I think this will work well for my purposes.