[Closed] Random Objects
Hi All …
is it possible to create a function that create random number of objects (Box, Sphere,…), like if we put it in an array … what order well choose a random object or more than one object and created it in the viewport …
Thank u all in advance
best regards
not entirely sure what you’re after, but say you have 3 objects in your scene that you want to randomly pick from… select those objects, and…
-- get the selected objects into an array
objArray = getCurrentSelection()
-- now create a loop to create, say, 100 random objects..
-- seed the random number generator first
seed 0
for i = 1 to 100 do (
-- pick a random number between 1 and the number of objects in our array
randomIndex = random 1 objArray.count
-- and use that to pick an object from that array
srcObj = objArray[randomIndex]
-- now create an instance of that object...
targObj = instance srcObj
-- and move it a little
targObj.pos = [10*i,0,0]
-- done?
thanks ZeBoxx2 … it’s working great … but what i was thinking is like a button every time u press it will give a different object from the objects in the array or more than one object if we want … is it possible ?
hope it’s clear …
sure… you end up with something like this ( except less ugly – it’s just test code )
rollout test "test" width:200 (
button btn_get "get selected objects"
spinner spn_numobjs "number of objects" range:[0,100,0] type:#integer enabled:false
button btn_create "create" enabled:false
local objArray
on btn_get pressed do (
objArray = getCurrentSelection()
if (objArray.count > 0) then (
btn_get.text = objArray.count as string + " objects stored"
spn_numobjs.range = [1,objArray.count,amax spn_numobjs.value 1]
spn_numobjs.enabled = true
btn_create.enabled = true
else (
btn_get.text = "get selected objects"
spn_numobjs.range = [0,100,0]
spn_numobjs.enabled = false
btn_create.enabled = false
on btn_create pressed do (
for i = 1 to spn_numobjs.value do (
local randomIndex = random 1 objArray.count
local srcObj = objArray[randomIndex]
if (isValidNode srcObj) then (
local targObj = instance srcObj
targObj.pos = [(i-1)*20,0,0]
else (
format "Warning - object index % is not valid; %
" randomIndex srcObj
createDialog test
amazing man thx a lot … i’ll modify it little and i’ll show it to u …
thx a lot again …