[Closed] Random Mesh Placement on Vertice
Hello everyone. I am not new to 3ds Max but I never really use the MaxScript for my modeling. For part of a particular model I want to add a cone on the vertices of a circle.
I was wondering if someone would be able to help me or atleast guide me in the right direction to either get a script or make my own that will generate a cone on a selected vertices.
Thank you in advance
Something like this should get you started.
c = $
convertToSplineShape c
kA = getKnotSelection c 1
for i=1 to kA.count do (
p = getKnotPoint c 1 kA[i]
cone pos:p radius1:5.0 radius2:0.0 height:10.0
Thanks for the reply. That means nothing to me but I will do a little learning on MaxScript so many i can see wht that means.
Let me talk it through line by line.
c = $ – Assigns the currently selected circle to a variable called c
convertToSplineShape c – Converts the circle to a splineshape so we can work with it
kA = getKnotSelection c 1 – create a variable kA that hold an array of knot indexes that are selected
for i=1 to kA.count do ( – Loop through the array of knots (vertices)
p = getKnotPoint c 1 kA[i] – Get the current knot in question and assign the position to a variable “p”
cone pos:p radius1:5.0 radius2:0.0 height:10.0 – create a cone at the position “p”
The way you use the script is create a circle, select some of the knots, and then run the script. It will create cones on the selected knots.