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[Closed] Quick question: object renaming


I’ve got a simple (as it seems to me) problem:

bipname=SelectByName title:“Pick a biped root” single:true
After the var bipname has the current Biped name, like “Bip01” or “MyBiped”, the script must make a series of renamings like this:
$‘Bip01 L Calf’.name = “LeftLeg”
$‘Bip01 L Finger02’.name = “LeftHandThumb3”
$‘Bip01 R Finger4Nub’.name = “RightHandPinky4”
So the question is, how can I put together the value of the string var “bipname” and a string ” L Calf’.name” for example, to make it like (bipname + ‘L Calf’.name) = “Pelvis” but with a proper syntax.

Please Help!
Thank You.

2 Replies

I think I get your qeustion… You asking how to rename the elements of a standard bi-ped regardless of the name of the bi-ped… correct…

You need the execute command.

Your string name of your Bi-ped is in var:bipname.

then construct a maxscript command IN a string to rename an item.

– dynamically build the maxscript command to be executed
ExStr = (“$’”+bipname+” L Calf’.name = “LeftLeg”” )

– prints out the maxscript for review
format “%
” Exstr

– executes the maxscript in the string ExStr
execute ExStr

” = a ” in a string var.

Hope this helps…I don’t have CS at hand so I couldn’t test it on a rig, but it worked on a box.

Keith Morrison

Thanks Kramsurfer!